Archive for the ‘Tech’ Category

ScreenCast Encoding…

Saturday, December 20th, 2008

For the longest time I’ve been trying to find the Holy Grail of encoding settings to get me decent sized screencasts. Most of the time, either the file size was too big, or the text was illegible. I had come across one screencast that was PERFECT. (It averaged about 2mb/min it was a full sized screen (1280×720) and the frame rate was 10 fps, while the data rate was 294 kbits/s)

The closest I’ve gotten was following the instructions from Matthew Pare on this Drupal post titled “Tips and Encoding Settings for Long Duration Screencasts“.


  • Encoding: H.264
  • Frame Rate: 10 fps
  • Key Frame: 500
  • Frame Reordering: Yes
  • Data Rate Limit: No
  • Encoding Mode: Multi-Pass
  • Quality: Medium


  • Encoding: AAC, 12 khz, Mono


Here is the formula that he proposes, I will attach his actual notes below:

  1. Start with the (original width) x (original height)
  2. Pick a (desired width) (the height will adjust accordingly)
  3. Divide the (desired width) / (original width) = (result1)
  4. Now multiply the (original heigth) * (result1) = (desired height)

(you want to round the “desired height” to the closest even number)


That explanation may be a bit confusing so let me give an example. I just have created a screen capture and my video has the dimensions of 1012 x 757. That’s way to big. My video is nearly two hours long, if I kept that size, my final video would be 250MB or even much larger than that. So I want to make this smaller, but still be able to read the text. I am going to say I want my final video to be as close to 800 x 600 as possible. As I have found that size still allows most text to be readable. So I am going to divide my desired output width of 800 by my source length of 1012.

800 / 1012 = .790513834

So now I need to determine the height for my final video. So I take the answer of the above equation multiply it by the height of my source video. So in my example I would multiply my source height of 757 by .79513834.

757 * .79513834 = 598.419

So I am just going to round this number off to 598.

My final video size will now be 800 x 598. Perfect!

Oh god, I remember doing that…

Monday, April 21st, 2008

Sooooo, how useless is your tech knowledge:

Wii love it

Thursday, January 24th, 2008

I just saw an amazing hack for creating a 3D reality effect using the Wii, gaming is about to get another element:

Minor edits…

Sunday, January 6th, 2008

Twitter Changes: So I’ve decided to shutdown the autoblogging of my Tweets (Twitter) to my blog. They started to seem messy (and annoying). I had them turned on so that I would have a permanent archive of them (I don’t know if Twitter lets you download your history). I may turn them back on in the future (I’m taking suggestions if anyone has them, did they seem messy to you?).

WordPress Info: I found a great check list for anyone setting up a WordPress blog here


Monday, December 24th, 2007

And now my gallery is (auto)working again. WTF? Hmmm … perhaps a caching problem.

What now…

Sunday, December 23rd, 2007

Somehow, while updating my gallery page so that people can add comments to the photos (which works by-the-way), it looks like I’ve somehow broken the embedded gallery on my blog.

You can still go directly to the photo gallery here:

I’ll let you know once it is fixed.

Merry Christmas….

Sunday, December 23rd, 2007

“I think I have a plan for infiltrating the rebel base.” 3810

I’m kinda liking this software service thing…

Wednesday, December 19th, 2007

Google Labs has released the Google Chart API to allow the dynamic generation of graphs that can then be included in your web page without the need for installing any new software. For example, if you copy&paste the following line into your browser, Google will generate the graphic chart on the fly for you and return the image. You can edit any part of the line and see the changes happen automatically.×100&chl=Hello|World

I’m following you…

Tuesday, December 11th, 2007

After reading an interesting article on the perception of surveillance around the world and in Art, I can across these two great tidbits:

“Live” the Movie: There is an independent movie that is based solely upon footage from surveillance cameras (that I want to see):

“ACCESS” the Art Project: There is an art project setup (and on tour) in Germany at the Center for Art and Media, were, via the internet, you get to “…track anonymous individuals in public places, by pursuing them with a robotic spotlight and acoustic beam system.” At first, I thought the link was to a recorded movie example, but no, it was a live control system that you could play with. Since it is in Germany, you have to accommodate their business hours to play with the system (but try it out, it is a blast):

LINK: (Click on the big RED writing to take control)

Hours of access (already converted to PST):

  • Wednesday – Friday: 01:00am – 09:00am
  • Saturday – Sunday: 02:00am – 09:00am
  • (Monday / Tuesday – closed)

Share and share alike

Saturday, December 8th, 2007

Lately I’ve been having fun watching the short howtos at I’m very much a monkey see monkey do kinda person. It’s much easier for me to pick up something after seeing it done. I also know that in integral part of learning something it to try and teach it.

So I’m looking into getting screencasting software so I can start building tech tutorials and how-tos, both for fun and growth. I’m also trying to think of real life things I’d like to post up (perhaps my cooking tests), but that will also require me to find some video recorder, my digital camera does video, but it lays out DV at 100mb/min (HORRIBLE rate). Although I have a 2gig card, so that is about 20 min(ish), still, I might want to find another recording source.