I Am So Sore…

OMG, I cannot tell you how sore I am right now. I just got home from Tiesto’s “Elements Of Life” concert. Let me tell you that techno dancing for 4 hours straight (without a break) can really lay you down. I’m sore, (was) soaking wet (took a quick shower), and can bearly hear a thing. And you know something, I’d do it again in a heartbeat!! 🙂 I had so much fun going to that concert, it makes me want to check out the rave scene here in the Bay Area. I’d always had an interest (especially after watching the movie “Groove”), unfortunately my fear of dancing kept me away for quite a while, but since Morgan got me going to some clubs and having fun, I’m starting to jump in feet first. 🙂

Earlier today I attended Jefferson and Alex’s wedding, which was really beautiful. It was held at Sanborn Park in Saratoga, and I got to see lots of friends I haven’t seen in a while.

I’ll have pictures up from both events by the end of the week.

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