1 in 2

During Kristens orientation, she found a very disturbing fact. Statistics show that (1 in 2) people in Australia get some form of Skin Cancer. This is a pretty sobering fact for me, you see I grew up in Cyprus (nice sunny greek island) where I ran around most of the time bare backed. I always hated (and still do) sunscreen because it was so slimy and oily, but I only remember getting really burned a few times in my 10+ years there. One price I ended up paying was that I have a large number of freckles and moles (compared to most Americans). Then a few years ago during a checkup, a doctor mentioned to me that he saw a few spots he was concerned about. We decided it would be best to remove them and do a biopsy, and much to my happiness, nothing was found. Well the other night I noticed one very dark mole on my leg that got me concerned and I figured I should to the smart thing and have myself checked out. Since skin cancer is so prevalent here, I wasn’t too surprised to see a number of “Skin Cancer Clinics” while driving around, so today I picked one to visit in Surfers Paradise. I didn’t know if they could do anything for me since I was not covered by Australian health care, but it turns out that a full body check was only ($60 AUD), so I dove in. After a full body check, the doctor said I was pretty healthy and that most of my spots are pretty normal. She did find (3) that she wanted to check out, so she gave me a local anesthetic and then cored out each of the spots. I am to call back in a week to see what the results are (wish me luck).

Over all I’m very glad I decided to have this checkup, it only cost me a total of ($160 AUD which is only $117 USD) for a better piece of mind.

BTW: nowadays, they have non-oily (not really, but close enough) sunscreen which I wear anytime I play in the sun. Take care of your skin, it is one of the most abused organs of your whole body.

One Response to “1 in 2”

  1. Magenta says:

    Hey Mr. Crazysurfingadvetureguy!

    I think we need to look into coming a visiting you during summer break…I miss you, man. Eh, what’s new about that?!

    What is the time difference there? I was thinking about calling you, but I realized that that could go terribly wrongly…

    Love you – I’m so happy that you’re on this adventure. Take care.


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