A little tighter on the straps please

Am I crazy? I..I really have to be…I mean, I’ve currently have the best job I’ve ever had (I love my coworkers, I own the IT, I get to design and build, I make good pay, the infrastructure is my baby, it’s all good), I currently live in the best place I’ve ever been (my landlords are wonderful (seriously, they are family), my house is perfect for me, my neighobors are friendly, I have great friends a block away, there are trees, gardens, quiet, roomy, really comfy!) I’ve no debt, I’ve no responsibilities (other than myself), I’m saving, EVERYTHING IS BEAUTIFUL! (ok, the only thing missing is someone to share it with)

…and yet I’m leaving it all…

I gave 30 days notice, I quit my job (and gave up lots of thousands of dolllars in stock if the numbers are right), and I’m leaving all my friends and family….

And why?…..becuase I’m moving to Australia (Southport, just outside of Brisbane) with one of my best friends (Kristen). I don’t have a workers visa, that means this endeavor is COMPLETLY on my own dollar. I’ll be living off of my savings…..for a year. (and to put this in perspective, I don’t have a nest egg from the dot.com explosion, I was working for PG&E at the time as a contractor….translation, this is all my own saved money. I’m going to have to play this right, because once I get back and have to starting working again, I have to make sure I have a launching pad, (money for first and last rent, money to fix or purchase transportation, money for food, etc all while I find a source of income (myself or being hired))

….and now of the other side of the (why?) coin…..because I can, because I want to, how often do you get a chance like this in life? (actually if you really want it, you can set it up, I just figure this is my first step). A friend of mine reciently told me that “you don’t grow if you don’t take chances” and that was a wake up call that I needed. This is a wonderful opportunity, I am pretty much hitting the reset button on my life. I was doing great, and now I get to vactation for a year and then start over and see where it takes me. (I really love that idea, seriously) For the next 12 months, I’m going to be swimming, surfing, exploring, meeting people, playing around, doing photography, possibliy my art again, and in many ways rediscovering myself. I cannot express how excited I am. Then, afterwards, I look to see where the winds take me.

In my ideal world, I would travel worldwide, visiting businesses, helping them create IT infrastructues, living in their country for a year or so and then moving on.

….yeah…. this is going to be fun 🙂

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