Laughing Sal

I liked yesterday, it was fun…

For some reason I woke up WAY to early for a Sunday, something like, 8am’ish. My god, that’s just not right. But I found a great way to fill the time (see previous post “WOOT”). Then, as afternoon rolled by, I met up with Kristen and Alicia to head over to SF and do the tourist thing.

We decided that Fishermans Warf would be our stomping grounds and started off at Pier 39. We wandered through, playing in hat shops, magic shops, stocking stores, photo galleries, and then ended up at the fudge shop. We quickly realized that we needed food and had previously set our minds on getting clam chowder bread bowls. So we had to forego the fudge temptations and headed over to the main Warf area. On the way out we watched the sea lions laying in the sun enjoying themselves, and passed by a few street performers.

Kristen hearded us over to a Boudin Bakery where we each got a bread bowl (clam chowder, chilli, and tomato bisque). We sat, ate, and talked about the health benifits of eating cannibals, which was quite entertaining. Afterwards, we figured we needed to walk off some of the food before making our way up to Ghirardelli Square.

While wandering around, we headed into a warehouse that had a ton of the old style (and I’m talking 1920 old) penny arcade machines. Except this was 2005, so they were upgraded to quarter machines for us. As we entered we were greeted by “Laughing Sal”. Now she was this gigantic animatronic woman that laughs when you put in a quarter. We mistakenly fell for it, we put in a coin and quickly regretted the choice as this endless, nightmare inducing laugher erupted from her. We’re talking Steven King nightmare here. We quickly escaped deeper into the warehouse. While wandering around we learned: 1) executions were funny (both english and french), 2) sometimes wind blowing through the empty box is the only thing you get for your quarter, 3) Alicia loves Area51 (the shooting game). We made our way back around to the entrance and found Sal still laughing. I’m telling ya, kids end up at therapists because of this thing. Even when we were 100+ feet away the laugher seemed to cling to us.

Eventually we made it up to Ghirardelli Square. We stopped off and almost moved into the Sharper Image. You see, they have these chairs, these wonderful, beautiful chairs, that massage, knead, and basicly reduce you to a jelly like mass that has no inclination of ever leaving. After about 30 minutes and a number of “I’m next” looks, we finally got up and wanderd out.

One of the chocolate shops was closed for a private party, so we headed over to the second shop in the square only to find the line out the door. After some waiting, more waiting, “OOO empty table” grabbing, again with the waiting, free chocolate hand outs, waiting, ordering, and waiting again, we finally got our mochas and coffee/fudge sunday. It was time to sit, relax, and devour.

The sun was setting, the temperature was dropping, and it was 630ish. We felt like it was 930ish, and decided to raincheck the tapas we planned for dinner, walked back to the car and head home.

Once back in Alameda, we had just enough time to experience Kristen and Alicia’s carpet up close and personal as we tried to find Kristens missing end for her eyebrow piercing, not once, but twice! 🙂 And then, finally closing the night by watching “O Brother, Where Art Thou” which I gotta say “mmmmm…sirens….” sigh

It was a good day.

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