Archive for the ‘General’ Category

The one-word comment meme:

Tuesday, July 5th, 2005

The one-word comment meme:

Please leave a one-word comment that you think best describes me. It can only be one word.

No more.

Then copy & paste this in your journal so that I may leave a word about you

Better sex through laundry

Monday, June 27th, 2005

Socks on, rocks off

Sorry again

Sunday, May 29th, 2005

Sorry again, I kinda disappeared for a bit when I got my new job. I’m back and will be adding a bunch more posts in a bit, stick around.

Apple a day

Wednesday, May 4th, 2005

3 days now. I had to interview a few people for my position today. They looked pretty good on paper and I wasn’t sure at first how to interview them, but as we sat down and started talking, I started focusing on my final projects and where the IT group was going, and let me tell you, wow! After getting a glimpse of the stock of Unix admins out there, I’m pretty confident in my current skill set. Some of the questions I asked, I thought were mundane and blindingly simple, but it turns out they were stumped. Now granted, there is a lot of stress being on the interviewee side, it’s hard to think clearly at times when sitting in the hot seat, and there are a number of people that just don’t test well. In the end, we eventually decided to go with a Unix contracting agency for a bit and see how that turns out.

I put in my order for my PowerBook this morning and it is due by Thursday (WOOT!) doing the happy dance

Don’t forget your towel

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2005

So the countdown starts, 4 days left until I leave OpenTV and move on to Idetic. I’ve started the long haul of dumping my brain into a ream of electronic bits and bytes for the sake of our department. I’m hoping to wrap up a few projects and squeeze all I can into the Knowledge base as quickly as possible, all while fitting in “goodbye lunches” & “fond farewells”.

Tonight, Alicia, Toby, and I all dropped by Jack London for some ice cream and “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy”. The movie was fun to watch, though I couldn’t help expecting the old cast from the TV show. I did spot the “old” Marvin robot in the move 🙂 and I just read that they plan on completing the series. Looking forward to it.

Slow down

Wednesday, April 27th, 2005

Today I had my court hearing for my speeding ticket I got back in Feb. At the time I was heading over to Kristens for an all day limo ride through Napa. I was running a bit late and was a bit excited, which is why I think I was doing 38 in the 25 mph zone, as the cop pulled me over. Now realize, I had just pulled out of my driveway and had just accelerated up and was laying off the gas to drop down to the regular speed when I noticed the flashy lights behind me. I was pulled over 2 blocks from my house. The officer checked my paperwork and gave me a ticket but mentioned, since I had no priors, that I just needed to show up in court and he would have it dropped down to a lesser infraction.

Well I showed up today and he was nowhere in sight and had not noted anything on my docket. So now, I have to pay $143 and goto traffic school. I guess 1 ticket in 12 years isn’t bad. I paid the fine and am now looking where to sign up for school.

Royal Fire

Tuesday, April 26th, 2005

As I left work today, I found that a fire had started in the “Royal Exchange” outside my work. About 4-5 fire trucks were on the scene, hoses hooked up to hydrants, men going into smoke filled doorway, the works.

Once I get the Gallery setup I’ll start posting up pictures again.

Snapshot April 2005

Monday, April 25th, 2005

The ups:

  • Being considered to run an IT department
  • Going to Vegas
  • Going to Australia
  • Going to buy a Mac Powerbook

And the downs:

  • Feeling Lonely
  • Need to visit the dentist
  • Might have to cancel/reschedule Thailand
  • Need to catch up in my System Administration II class

Sushi and Ice Cream

Monday, April 25th, 2005